Mantra MFS100
Mantra Fingerprint Scanners is a biometric device for authentication and identification through fingerprint recognition module which has superior execution, precision, toughness based on the fingerprint reader. Fingerprint Reader or Scanner is very safe and easy to use device for security compared to remembering the password that is vulnerable to fraud and difficult to keep in mind. Utilize USB Fingerprint scanner with our biometric software for verification, identification and authentication functions through fingerprint can act like computerized passwords that cannot be misplaced, overlooked or stolen. Our STQC certified fingerprint scanner is made of hard optical sensor which is resistant to scratches, impact, vibration and electrostatic shock.
Mantra RD Service
Effortlessly start your Mantra RD with Online RD Service - Get activated in minutes!
Please ensure that the entered serial number is correct. Payments made towards an incorrect serial number will not be refunded or transferred to a different serial number.
Mantra RD Service Recharge
Please ensure that the entered serial number is correct. Payments made towards an incorrect serial number will not be refunded or transferred to a different serial number.
We are pleased to inform you that Error 211 and Error 152, related to fresh device registration, have been resolved. Additionally, the technical and functional upgrade of our L1 devices has been successfully completed and approved by UIDAI. As a result, our L1 fingerprint devices, MFS110 and MARC11, have been whitelisted by UIDAI. As a result, the whitelisting of new L1 fingerprint devices will proceed only after the completion of this upgrade. Consequently, New L1 device registration will take place until further notification from UIDAI. | हमें आपको यह बताते हुए खुशी हो रही है कि ताजा डिवाइस पंजीकरण से संबंधित त्रुटि 211 और त्रुटि 152 का समाधान कर दिया गया है। इसके अतिरिक्त, हमारे L1 उपकरणों का तकनीकी और कार्यात्मक उन्नयन सफलतापूर्वक पूरा हो गया है और UIDAI द्वारा अनुमोदित किया गया है। परिणामस्वरूप, हमारे L1 फ़िंगरप्रिंट डिवाइस, MFS110 और MARC11 को UIDAI द्वारा श्वेतसूची में डाल दिया गया है। परिणामस्वरूप, नए L1 फ़िंगरप्रिंट उपकरणों की श्वेतसूची इस अपग्रेड के पूरा होने के बाद ही आगे बढ़ेगी। नतीजतन, नए एल1 डिवाइस का पंजीकरण यूआईडीएआई की अगली अधिसूचना तक होगा। |
Mantra MFS100 RD Service Valid Up to 01April.,2025 Only.
Rs. 161
Activation within 5-15min
- MFS100/MIS100V2/ TAB
- RD Service Validity upto 01April, 2025
Processing Fee
Instant Activation 5-15Mins
WhatsApp Helpline Support
Rs. 310
Activation within 5-15min
- MFS110 L1
RD Service Validity 1Year
Processing Fee
Instant Activation 5-15Mins
WhatsApp Helpline Support
Addon Warranty 1Year
Rs. 0
Activation within 3-5Hr
- MFS100/MIS100V2/MFS110
RD Service Validity 1Year
Processing Fee
Normal Activation After 3-5Hr